The Alford Image Library
No: 797 Contributor: Forbes Watt Year: 1957
Alford Lasses at a Dance in the Public HallThis photo was taken possibly 1957 and shows a lovely line up of local Alford lassies at a dance in the public hall.
From the left: (seated) Rhona McCarthy, Lillian Thompson, Mary Smith, Susan Hilton, Christine Beattie (I think), Maragurita Cowe, ? , ?, Mary Thompson, Freda Brown, (unable to identify remainder)
Seated on floor:- Elizabeth McCombie, ?.
Picture added on 11 December 2008
I'm pretty sure that the girl with the glasses next to Maragurita Cowe is Sheena Chapman and it's also possible that the hall they were in may well have been the old Army Drill Hall which is on the opposite side of Kingsford Road to the Public Hall and a short distance to the south of it but I cannot confirm that.
Added by Forbes Watt on 26 January 2009
I'm now pretty sure that the girl ( 8th from left ) who is seated between Sheena Chapman and Mary Thompson would be Joyce Duncan as she and Sheena were close friends and always together.
Added by Forbes Watt on 14 April 2009
I have a photo similar to this. I'm pretty sure it was taken at an Army Cadet Force dance in the Drill Hall which was normally held around Christmas. The girl on the far right looking towards the camera is Mabel Thomson,sister of Mary Thomson.
Added by Bill Smith on 21 July 2009
The only man in the photograph, seated next to Freda Brown, is Peter McLuskie
Added by Forbes Watt on 23 July 2009
It's a likely possibility that the other girl seated on the floor next to Elizabeth McCombie with her back to the camera is Dorothy Grant as she would undoubtedly have been there and was one of the group.
Added by Forbes Watt on 16 August 2009